I've been watching the news as soon as I heard of the tragedy, and I must admit, it got me thinking about a lot of things. It opened my eyes about how blessed we are as human beings to have been given the chance to live in this beautiful world. A powerful being placed us all in this earth, and He can take us away if he so chooses.
I feel sad for the people in Japan. Especially to those who have been closest to the epicenter of the event. I pray everyday for everyone especially my family and friends to be safe, and just last night, my prayers just became more meaningful.
To those who are reading this, you are very lucky. Lucky enough to still be alive and to have been given another chance to reflect and be grateful of what you have. Fortunate enough to be able to take things more seriously and not take anything for granted.
Yes there has been news all over the place, but I'm not going to talk about that, let's just put it all aside for now. We may just be walking around thinking that everything is going to be alright but it's not. Let's accept the fact that as unpredictable as the world is, anything will happen at any time of day without notice. Just like that things will change. If you're fortunate enough, you might still be able to see these changes. Changes that may reduce mankind to absolute zero. We just never know.
We have been tested once again and we have been given, yet another chance of life. Will there be more disasters to come? Most likely. Will the future catastrophes be greater and much more destructive? Probably. Will we be ready for it? Not yet, and no matter how hard we try to prepare, it's all going to be futile. The most we can do for now is just continue to live life and make the most out of it. This is how we get ready. We don't necessarily have to make peace to all our enemies, but at least make your life happier for you and for others. Cherish where you are now and who you are with. Take pleasure in everything life has to offer.
Well, I'm sorry to say, that I guess we needed this disaster to make us remember and realize all the things that we just ignore. The things that makes this world a better place. Although we cannot see it, it has always been there. Glowing, or simply waiting to be nurtured. The bonds that we have with the ones we love, people we have met and forgotten. The bonds that simply defines us. The bonds that make us strong. The bonds that gives us the reason to live each day. The bonds that make this world a much, much better place to live in.
As much as how the earthquake made us feel its destructive power, it made us feel more than that of its physical dimension. It made us feel worried, worried for those who have been affected and are going to be affected by the disaster. It made us feel sad, sad for those who have lost their families and friends and to those who are now struggling to survive. More importantly for the most part, it made us feel fear. Fear for the upcoming disasters this world has to offer. Never knowing what's going to happen next.
My prayers to all of the affected families and friends of the disaster. To all of Japan.
Make life worth living, for uncertainty is our live's biggest reality.
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