Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fast 5: The Fastest and Most Furious Ride Yet Review (spolier freeÜ)

                            If you've been watching The Fast and the Furious movies then clearly you've been dying to watch this installment. As soon as I watched the trailer I knew I had to watch this and it didn't even matter if I had to go alone. You know what got me excited? It was the reunion of every major character of the series. Well except for the main guy in Tokyo Drift. Also, the setting is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I know right!? So read on.

For those who don't know or haven't watched any of the Fast and the Furious movies, don't worry. As the story progresses the characters' identities will be revealed little by little and it won't take much analysis to figure them all out.
For those who have watched every single Fast and the Furious movie? You're in for a treat! Since you already know the story behind every character, you will be able to relate to how they feel making their acting very genuine and believable. The movie also gives the characters more color as it goes which makes it better. So having known a little more about the characters' background gives it an additional taste. No distress, familiar or not. This movie will really get your juice going.

Very balanced mix of action, drama, and comedy. I was at the edge of my seat for the full movie which is 130 minutes long. Awesome! How about the acting? Who gives a damn about the acting? It's a freakin' fast and furious movie! The story, although a little more complicated than usual, was very well thought of. Especially the extended stories of the main characters. A little twist and turn here and there. An even mix of humorous lines and scenes to lighten up the mood, and a lot of epic action and car chases all throughout.

All in all, the movie is an 9 for me. Even at the end of it all my excitement never dropped. Must watch indeed for all ages! Even my girlfriend who constantly falls asleep during action movies (even the previous Fast and Furious installment) enjoyed this one. So yeah, it's that good. Enjoy guys!

Oh!!! Wait, one last tip for you guys out there. Don't leave the theater too soon okay? ;)

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